CLIENT LOCATION | Pennsylvania, US

PROJECT | Client required cover art as well as corresponding Title Page art for her fantasy novel "Temper The Dark". The cover art needed to feature prominently the Crown itself, a focal point of the novel, while also incorporating thistle, dandelions, and other natural elements.  The cover art utilized Adobe Illustrator for Vector elements, Photoshop for color application and element compilation, and InDesign for the final layout files.
A young adult standalone novel featuring a dragon and a young heroine required a darker, moody cover fitting the storyline and audience.  The Client requested a dark, almost back dragon and a female figure that nearly matched the dark tone of the subject.  The background should feature brighter blue, green, and gold tones depicting the islands in the story, and a city nestled within.  The finishing touch was a gold "frame" that brought the islands into focus and lent perspective.  
Vector grayscale Title page artwork is derived from the original Vector files for title work.  Various layouts and formats allow for application across multiple social platforms, as well as use on the print Title Page of the novel. 

Working with AK Westerman a second time was just as pleasant an experience as the first. She checked in with me frequently as she made progress on the commissioned book cover. When the image wasn't quite what I was looking for, she was quick to rework it and try new angles to create an image exactly as I hoped it would be. As the work progressed, she slowly changed the color palette to suit the content of the book and experimented with framing out the cover image in a way neither of us had originally anticipated. The end result was a beautiful piece that reflected the book's dark fantasy content. I couldn't be happier. And, while Westerman's art is truly breathtaking, her ability to hold a two-way conversation with a client — to really listen — is her strong suit. A+ communication. I look forward to our next project together.
Thank you!
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